Monday, June 23, 2008

Concrete Clouds, Beat Bean

A building being demolished is kind of like cloud: It's only going to exist for a short time, changing it's shape continuously. and like a cloud, nothing else will look exactly as it does during any given moment of it's journey to oblivion.

I find something particularly spooky about the interior doorways. Never seen by the outside world until exposed at their moment of doom.

More old Doodles.

A while back I thought I'd draw a semi-slovenly guy standing outside of some place where he would possibly "hold court" with his cohorts; a place for Has-Been Hipsters and pseudo-intellectuals. I came up with the name The Keen Bean. Well, just did a web search and found there is a a real place by that name (don't know if it existed when I thought it up). Who would have thought that more than one person in the history of the world would have thought of using the words Keen and Bean together??

Speaking of Has-Been Hipsters...

1 comment:

Ronald T. Jones said...

That's one of those wierd coincidences that make you wonder if some trickster god had a hand in its crafting.

Picture our divine practical joker lounging in a celestial lawn chair, bored, until a light bulb appears over his head. Gee, I think I'll cause a little eatery called the Keen Bean to come into existence just to mess with the head of a certain blogger who thought he made the place up. LOL!!