Sunday, July 31, 2011

Court Doodle

Last week I was required to report for jury duty at the Criminal Court.  While waiting in a big room to see if I'd serve on a jury (did not), I read, did puzzles and drew some doodles.  This one is an inked and colored version of one of the doodles. Yeah, it comes out of nowhere...

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Modern Plague

Last week while pushing my cart down the street (working on the job, you know), a woman talking on a cellphone walked right in front of me, seemingly oblivious to anything with a perpendicular trajectory.  The phrase "Cell-Blind" popped into my head.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Commute Doodle

While riding on the train, scribbled this down:

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Humor Obsolescence

What happens to humor that missed it's era? There has always been "timely" and topical humor that has a limited shelf life, or humor that requires the audience to have specific knowledge, but what happens to humor (and the energy required to generate it), that is created way past the time it has a connection with any audience?  Can it even be considered "humor", or the very fact it exists outside the realm of conventional humor humorous in itself?