Saturday, July 12, 2008

Doofus McCool, Found Looking Down

Today we open with an item from an omnibus feature I called SNARDO & LINKY. This particular entry from 1998 was captioned:
TV Series cancelled after one promo ad

While we are on the subject of words that contain the letters L, I, N, K and Y, it reminds me of somthing from my days at the University of Boffo; Specifically Prof. Muldoon's theory of slinky. The Professor had postulated that any sir name can be turned into comedy gold by ending it with "slinky". It is rather flexible how one modifies the name, for instance, "Mortonsen, Ronko & Goodwin" become Mortenslinky, Ronkoslinky & Goodslinky. Muldoon had insisted that "Slinky" was so powerful, that a play or movie in which every character had such a name would be so dangerously funny, that people would literally laugh themselves to death.
The Administrators of Boffo expulsed Muldoon, feeling his ideas too insane even for the Citadel of Humor. The official statement said that keeping Muldoon on the faculty would be the moral equivalent of "Slapping the Supreme Deity multiple times about the face, such as Moe would do to Larry, Curly, Shemp, Joe, Curly Joe, and the other third guy in the cartoon version, if he was someone different, but maybe that was Curly Joe too..."
Prof. Muldoon was ran out of town like a common lunatic, and no one is sure what happened to him. One rumor has him ending up in Ireland, where he continued his mad experiments; pushing humor to the outer limits, and testing his theories on potatoes carved into the likenesses of celebrities.
But who knows? I haven't heard any news stories of masses of people dying of laughter -- well, not yet....
Things spotted while looking down.


seedoi said...

hey i think there was a cartoon character name Cool McCool who was a james bond type character and villains who went to Benedict Arnold university

Robolly said...

Yes, there was a cartoon called COOL MCCOOL -- I've got the complete series on DVD.
