Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rocking the Foundations

Little Known Historical Fact Dept.

Did you know that 60's rock band Klass Distinction was actually a team of communist operatives?

It's True!

In the mid-sixties, someone in the Kremlin got the idea that a popular rock group performing songs espousing views contrary to the "American Establishment" would be an excellent vehicle for subverting and/or demoralizing the youth of America.

After much effort and expense, the project was eventually abandoned when it was found that indigenous bands had already been doing a superb job of subverting the youth of America. Klass Distinction did release one album, We The People, which quickly found it's way to the cut-out bins. Shortly after the project was scuttled, two members of the band defected and joined the British psychedelic-pop group Plympton's Bumbershoot.
From Friday 3/20/09

In color too!

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