Sunday, February 1, 2009

Doggie Dervish, Freedom Sausage

While out on a photo excursion on Saturday, encountered an energetic little critter by the name of Twinky

Twinky has a pal named Butch, who seemed not very interested in photography
Today, we present another installment in the adventures of the Street Urchan's Local # 353


Uta Refson said...

too good for just a blog Rob, but I appreciate you sharing!

Uta Refson said...

Oh, and Twinky looks like a vicious killer! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Great pics Rob!

Robolly said...

Yes, well, it's rough being a super-genius and all, but what ya gonna do? -- maybe the world in general just is ready for the Rob Experience, so I will just sculk here in the shadows of the blogosphere till the human race is ready...

Timothy Ferguson said...

oh, someday you'll be famous, in an american splendor sort of way and kids will ask me 'did you really know Rob-o?' and I'll answer 'fuck off you little street urchins', then I'll aim a kick at their little heads and kind of laugh softly to myself in a strangely provacative way.

yeah, that's real normal

seedoi said...

Nice stuff keep it up!

seedoi said...

Wasn't there a made for TV movie called Devil dog hounds of Hell?

Robolly said...

Yes, yes there is-- not bad either