Saturday, August 30, 2008

Vapor Seller, Outhouse & About

This here is a book I've been recommending to,
like, everybody:
Ha, ha -- just kidding! No, no... Just thought of a nonsensical (yet credible) sounding title for some "#1 Best Seller"... All full of conspiracies and intrugue and all that best seller stuff. I figure it could be part of a series featuring some secret agent or something ( Maybe a newpaper food critic for the Hoboken Times...) who battles secret corruption in high places; I'll call him "Lance Hrondeux". And of course, Leland Ridgeway is the perfect name for an author!!


Pics from my journey to Bucktown last Sunday

Somebody's made themselves at home under this viaduct ... though they weren't "in" while I snapped this pic.

Here's something out of the Sketch Pad. For some reason felt like drawing one of those out-houses you see in cartoons (or at least used to)

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