Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fluage de Plume, Stones of Wrongness

I felt like drawing a hat with a plume on it (I do have some difficulty drawing hats!). For some reason, "the Creepeteer" seemed an appropriate caption; I'm sure this fellow asks women he's barely acquainted with out on dates or something...
A pic from Ashland & Armitage last Saturday morning. I'm fascinated with the old factories and warehouses. Even though their purpose was all business, there was an attempt to give the buildings an interesting look. And even though they my not be "pretty", they exude a kind of solid confidence. I've wondered if there'd been somebody in the last century who spent their entire working career in such a building -- How many days spent at a lathe or drafting table, while sunlight filtered in through the gray greasy-dust covered windows? With the old buildings, even though it could have been miserable working in there, I think a person could develop some kind of attachment to the place. I don't think glass & steel buildings will ever have the spirit these old piles of bricks have.
Uh, oh! -- some lousy looking buildings don't have the decency to sit unnoticed in utilitarian drabness --- no some have to scream out "look at me! Look how awful I am!!" There is a stretch of Touhy Ave west of California Ave in Rogers Park where the flat, one story buildings appear to have been erected in perhaps the 60s or 70s in some spasm of "modern" design ( replacing something far more interesting, I'm sure) ; they just don't fit into what Chicago should look like (or any place, for that matter) -- at least that's my opinion.
Even well mantained, this would look all wrong
Hmmm, yet another variation on the Frankenstein Monster... I wonder what he has to say on the subject...
OK, back to something nice...

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