Of the many plans presently "on the drawing board" for conserving the world's oil reserves, one of the strangest is a little known project that has top seismologists working around the clock: The utlization of controlled nuclear explosions at various faults, triggering earthquaks that would to literaly push the various neighborhoods, suburbs, and surrounding towns of Los Angeles closer together, thus saving gas by shortening the distance between any two places. In the best case scenario, any place in LA would be in walking distance from any other!
As the deceptively childish illustration so graphically demonstrates -- This brave vision of the Future is being implimented right now! Really!
Bald, goateed scientists: Makin' the Crazy Stuff real for the rest of us!
Last Saturday while I traversed the streets of The Midwestern Colossus (on my way to a land beyond), I took the liberty of snapping a few digital photos:
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