Sunday, November 9, 2008

Estraordinary, Branching Out

What have we here -- a new costumed super-hero?
No, no -- quite the opposite: This is Mr. Ordinary -- The last man on Earth with no superpowers! Yes, over the decades, through bizarre radioactive, chemical, cosmic and extra-dimentional incidents, each and every human inhabitant of the planet has gained some unique super power -- save for Mr. Ordinary! While everyone else was getting bitten by radioactive bugs, being pelted with gamma rays, finding cosmic power rings, drinking experimental super juices, or what-have-you, Morris O'Normal (aka Mr. Ordinary) was locked in his bedroom working on his matchbook correspondence courses in various professions.
But not to worry! Mr. Ordinary does serve a purpose in the Super World: He gives meaning to the lives of everybody else. Whenever a building is ready to topple, Mr. Ordinary will be there to be saved! Supervillian needs someone to kidnap? -- Mr. Ordinary! Yes, Mr. Ordinary is the last one left on the ground saying "Look -- Up in the Sky! It's..."
Branches in the neighborhood, 11/8/08

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