Sunday, November 30, 2008

Face Doodle

Something doodled on a Post-It
More pics from last Wednesday

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Heaping Helpings, Park Pics

Today I over endulged in pizza and doughnuts ( does it get any better than that?), so this image came to mind:
There have been several movies with the title SECONDS (the classic one being the 1966 John Frankenheimer opus); I thought the above image could be from a yet another movie with that title, but in this one, the "seconds" would refer to another helping of food.
Took these comeing back from the grocery store on Friday:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bureaucracy of the Stars

Here's something I drew for a cartoon panel entitled Bureaucrats In Space
In the cartoon, there was the need to rush Tax Form L 73106-C to Altair-7. The existence of some advanced galaxy spanning civilization juxtaposed with the odious drudgery of bureaucratic paperwork produces a feeling of slight amusement from me.
Here's a pic from last SaturdayThese are from Wednesday, downtown.

I find bricked up doorways and windows to be strangely fascinating

Is the a "Hippy gene"?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crazyplating, Shadow Flag

Just looked like something the fella would be contemplating...
Pics from Wednesday

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Best Brain, Mystical Kitty

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had a job where radical brain surgury would have improved one's job performance...
Pics taken on Tuesday:
Was walking down Morse in Rogers Park, and passed by this sleeping feline in the window of a "Mystic Shop"
On the way to the Rogers Park Metra station
At the Ogilvie Transportation Center
Fun outside City Hall/County Building

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Undershirt Elite

Heard this on an elevator today:
Well, that was informative...

Pics from Monday.

This old fire house will be shut down, I suppose, seeing that they've built a new one.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Turpentine Statement, Web of Steel

Just doodled this, and it screamed out "More Turpentine" guy!
Random pics from the last two weeks

It was my birthday -- I had to digitally capture this tree imprisoned in a web of steel

First snowfall of the season that I took much notice of

Saturday on Halsted

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hipnik, Northwest of Loop

Another old doodle I've just added some color too.
I figure this guy is from a time right after the Beatnik faded from being a colorful staple on detective shows and before The Hippie became a marketing tool for children's breakfast cereals.
Pics from Saturday 11/22/08

We'll include some color here today -- a groovie set of wheels for a cool cat & kittie

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Popcorn Dive, Pictember

This is a panel from multi-page cartoon I'd started, but never finished. I like the way this particular panel turned out. Originally it was B&W, but for the blog, I thought I'd ad some color.
Pics from late September of this year:
Ah, sewer drain & shadow: the classic combination!