Sunday, July 27, 2008

Harshing the Mellow Train

Thought up this utterly silly bit of business while sitting on the train one day:

NIGHT HIPPY -- Cursed to spend the daylight hours as Straight-Edge Square Brad Johns, Night Hippy emerges from his L7 Cocoon only after the last ray of sunshine has kissed sweet Mother Earth, and the psychedelic rainbow-black of night blows the planet's mind. As the populous lay craddled in the arms of Morpheus, Night Hippy continues his lonely, never ending trip: The Eternal battle against the mellow-harshing forces of The Man.

AND speaking of the train... more views from out the Metra window:


Corry said...


Love your doodles,and love your pictures.

I saw a movie where half of the people went out to get popcorn, and apparently the half that was left inside the theater, laughed themselves to death.

It starred Will Farrellslinky, and John C. Reillyslinky.

Come to think of it..they may not have laughed themselves to death, but perhaps were bored to death?.. Like I said.. I don't know, I went out for popcorn. As I left the theater..making my way through the paramedics and the coroner, I thought to myself.. now that IS funny.

Incidentally, I've seen Professor Muldoon. He's back in the country but seems to be underground.

Robolly said...

I'm glad you like this little scene - Having this little spot does give me the opportunity to amuse my adoring public.

Ahh -- Professor Muldoon... What madness may he but up to now?