Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Delirious Pavilions

I usually carry around a sketchpad, and have been scanning some things I'd put down in older ones (usually drawn in ink, using fine point markers). I'd do these while sitting on the train, so things could get a little shakey. I had no plan or anything when doodling the face below, but when done, decided that the fellow looked rather disturbed, so I decided he must be some kind of mad artist, and scribbled the appropriate comment.
Some pics I took while getting my arms totally sunburned on Tuesday

I worked in the bulding in the center for 14 years!
The only thing standing between me and this, this THING was a flimsy, twisted fence!! I'm one brave cat, I tell you!
One of the things I did on Tuesday was stop by the Taste Of Chicago to see some friends. Later in the day at work, I mentioned this to a coworker; he said something along the lines of: "For hundreds of years, people have struggled to leave their home countries and come here so they would no longer have to stand in lines in the heat and humidity to get a small portion of food -- out respect for their efforts, I refuse to go to the Taste!"

Yes, I guess The Taste is sort of what The Socialist Pavilion at some World's Fair would look like...

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