Some of you out there who occasionally visit alternate universes may remember this cartoon character from when he was somewhat popular back in the mid-1960s to the early 1970s. Never actually given a name, but unofficially known as The Guy In The Stripped Jammies, the character appeared in single panel cartoons in various alternative weeklies, where he'd utter phrases like "I like stuff on my pancakes", "The Sun is in the peep hole" and "I'll polish the doorknob". For some reason, the "counter-culture" latched onto this simplistic cartoon and would often quote the phrases at Be-Ins, Love-Ins and other such gatherings. The most popular quote was "Maybe I'll get to that later", which started appearing on buttons, t-shirts and drug paraphernalia. The cartoon stopped appearing after it's creator, William "Gonzo" Packard, was kicked out of his parents house and had to get a real job.
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