I've noticed that there was a lack of creepy living heads in jars on this blog, so am rectifying the situation herewith.
Excuse me if I get on my soapbox here, but I do have a bone to pick with some cinematic (an televised) mad scientists. Many times, one finds bodyless heads talking -- yet without some air passing over the vocal chords, tongue and through the lips, speech wouldn't be possible -- there would be the need for some kind of air-pump or bellows connected up to the disembodied individual to enable this capacity, yet typically no such apparatus is apparent -- I think this must be a oversight on the film makers part. If any cinematic mad scientists are reading this, please correct this in the future!
Some pics from this week.
Oh, such sad trash...
is that a real sheep dog lying among the garbage?!
No that's just a stuffed doll (a "dogequin"?)
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