Friday, June 13, 2008

Delightfully hideous

I was walking on Glenwood by the Morse Red Line station when I snapped these:

Decrepitude, Decay, Dilapidation; It's like candy for the camera lens. Sweet...festering... candy...

Sepia Tone can ad a note of delightful hideousness to any picture, but in this case, the greenish color of the slime gives the suggestion of a diseased atmosphere; this taps into a wonderfully primordial sense of disgust.

Saw some Barbwire too!

I did have a little encounter with the primordial when I arrived home form work Thursday night. An opossum was shuffling about just outside my front door. When the creature noticed me, he shambled off down the gangway, but when I just stood there, he slowly came back, at which point he posed for this portrait :

Dug into my "Post-It" note doodles for this

Since I started this on Saturday, This post makes a week's worth so far. Not sure if I'm going to always put up something on weekends, but we'll see.

1 comment:

Uta Refson said...

Hi Robby baby - me, Dawn...yes, I go by Uta on the blogs. Long story...anyhoo...finally got over to check out your meanderings.
GREAT! What fun! I love it all. The pics. The cartoons. The wacky yarns. This format suits you well young man.
Thanks for sharing